- 06 February to 75% Drop Period: Discord (Online) / In-Person
- Only during faculty consultation hours and whenever they are free.
- Friday is a weekend; Other day weekend is based on faculty routine.
- During the W grade period, advisors won’t be able to advise students anymore. All requests must go to the Registrar’s Office.
- Follow BracU
- For extra seats, please request the section faculty that you want to take. They will
requesting it via the department.
- If you have any request that needs the approval of the chairperson
- Chairperson Request Form
- Discord:
- Join Discord Advising Server
- Check the last message in the #verify channel to see if
verification started yet.
- Problem with discord advising? Please notify in the #help
channel in discord server
- Your nickname will be changed automatically when verifying
- If your advisor is not present, please report it to the #dco-help text channel. A DCO will assign you with a
different advisor.
- IF you do not find your ID in any of the sheets or you changed your program/dept to CS/CSE,
please contact: Mr. Mohammad Badrul Hossain (BDH) sir
& Mr. Zaber Mohammad (ZMD) sir
- Don't need any change/advice and can download your payment slip? Then there is no need to go
through this. You are already done!
- See results of your request after several office hours at http://connect.bracu.ac.bd
- If necessary, follow up with your advisor over discord/email.
- Quick Advising Guidelines:
- If you want to drop the semester, continue reading below.
- Do not take any course with exam clash unless you have received permission from
teacher or coordinator of that course
- Please resolve theory/lab/exam clashes using remote registration. Do not keep any
or lab or exam clash.
- Students may take over limit credits by presenting a valid reason to the advisor or
applying to the chairperson by writing a detailed email with justification. The advisor may
refer the student to the chairperson.
- Students having CGPA below 2.0 (probation), please consult the probation advisors:
- Probation advisor list and contact information :
Mr. Rafeed Rahman |
rahman.rafeed@bracu.ac.bd |
Mr. Avinandan Banerjee |
avinandan@bracu.ac.bd |
Labib Hasan Khan |
ext.labib.hasan@bracu.ac.bd |
Sahib Kowsar Suhit |
ext.sahib.kowsar@bracu.ac.bd |
Mushfique Nasir Probor |
ext.mushfique.nasir@bracu.ac.bd |
Please include Full Name, Student ID and Program (CS/CSE/…..)
- What courses to take?
- 4 or 3 courses out of (CSE110, MAT092, MAT110, ENG091, ENG101, ENG102,
PHY111) as
decided by the Admissions Office
- Taking more courses may help in faster graduation and starting income generating
activities or higher studies.
- Taking fewer courses may help in better CGPA, but at the cost of precious time and
potential income.
- Please note that, ‘Department Advisor’ is not the
as ‘FYAT Advisor’
- This is just a suggested flow. You may choose to follow a sequence of your own.
- Please note that there are 12 variations. 6 for CS and 6 for CSE based on courses
assigned on your first semester in the university.
- Remaining General Education (GenEd) courses are to be taken from the GenEd Streams, please
university notices
- This is a generic outline for ALL programs in the university. Please check the first
for the one specific to CS/CSE
- Online banking transactions: Brac & Prime Bank, or Visit BRACU Info Desk Facebook
- Fees adjustment issue? For errors in USIS payment slip or for other
corrections/questions, please visit the accounts department at Level- 04
These are offline processes and usually require visiting BracU.
- If you want to drop the semester During registration week: Drop all courses from the
advisor and make your course list blank. Then fill up the semester drop form from DCO.
- If you want to drop the semester After registration week:
- Read Semester Drop Policy and then fill up the Semester Drop Form
- Submit to DCO and attach all medical documents, detailed application and the filled
- To drop a non-compulsory COD/COMA/elective course from the grade sheet to improve
Read Course Drop Policy and then fill up the Course Drop/Replacement Form
- Department / Program Change / Transfer
- Compare your completed courses with the course plan mentioned on this page and then
based on that fill up the following form
- Keep courses sorted by Course Code, also include current semesters’ ongoing/new
with ‘i’ (incomplete) grade; otherwise those might get dropped
- Non-compulsory courses that are not mentioned in the form might get dropped
of obtained grades
- Need more space? Make either multiple copies of the last page of the form or create
similar looking table with a serial number.
- Submit the Inter-Department/Program Transfer Form to DCO
- After all approvals, before final submission to the registrar’s office, keep a
for yourself and preserve for years
- While submitting, ask when to collect your new student ID number
- Are all of your dues clear? Some courses may take several weeks for the grades to be
- Are you on an installment plan? Please request the exam office to publish your
after your last installment.
- Can I take the next course? Yes, you can.
- Until result publications, course grades may look like I grade or F grades
- Contact Person:
- Or Mr. Rafeed Rahman
- CSE400 can be a thesis or project or an internship
a company: any of these 3 requires a supervisor from the department.
- Register for pre-thesis as soon as you are done with 75 credits, have an early start, get
time and do well, insha’Allah
- Internship may be independent of CSE400 or under it. Unless you are facing financial
difficulties, try an internship after graduation (independent of CSE400) until you secure a
full-time job and then proceed to masters.
- A thesis consists of three parts spread over three semesters [Pre-thesis 1 (p1), Pre-thesis
(p2), Final thesis semester (thesis/cse400)
- Sometimes p1/p2/thesis may need to be repeated or may take more time, so it might become 4
or 5
semesters instead of 3, so start early
- Students may start a pre-thesis from any semester by filling up P1 form at the beginning of
semester after receiving notice.
- Register for CSE400 only once in the final defense semester. If a student doesn't go through
defense/presentation, it usually remains as ‘i’ grade. No need to retake this unless you see
‘F’ grade.