
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

2025 Spring Registration/Advising

  • 06 February to 75% Drop Period: Discord (Online) / In-Person
    1. Only during faculty consultation hours and whenever they are free.
  • Friday is a weekend; Other day weekend is based on faculty routine.
  • During the W grade period, advisors won’t be able to advise students anymore. All requests must go to the Registrar’s Office.
  • Follow BracU Academic Calendar
  • For extra seats, please request the section faculty that you want to take. They will be requesting it via the department.
  • If you have any request that needs the approval of the chairperson
    1. Chairperson Request Form
  • Discord:
    1. Join Discord Advising Server
    2. Check the last message in the #verify channel to see if verification started yet.
    3. Problem with discord advising? Please notify in the #help channel in discord server
    4. Your nickname will be changed automatically when verifying
    5. If your advisor is not present, please report it to the #dco-help text channel. A DCO will assign you with a different advisor.
  • IF you do not find your ID in any of the sheets or you changed your program/dept to CS/CSE, please contact: Mr. Mohammad Badrul Hossain (BDH) sir
  • & Mr. Zaber Mohammad (ZMD) sir
  • Don't need any change/advice and can download your payment slip? Then there is no need to go through this. You are already done!
  • See results of your request after several office hours at
    1. If necessary, follow up with your advisor over discord/email.
  • Quick Advising Guidelines:
    1. If you want to drop the semester, continue reading below.
    2. Do not take any course with exam clash unless you have received permission from course teacher or coordinator of that course
    3. Please resolve theory/lab/exam clashes using remote registration. Do not keep any theory or lab or exam clash.
  • Students may take over limit credits by presenting a valid reason to the advisor or by applying to the chairperson by writing a detailed email with justification. The advisor may refer the student to the chairperson.
  • Students having CGPA below 2.0 (probation), please consult the probation advisors:
  • Probation advisor list and contact information :
    RRH Mr. Rafeed Rahman
    AVB Mr. Avinandan Banerjee
    LHK Labib Hasan Khan
    SKW Sahib Kowsar Suhit
    MNP Mushfique Nasir Probor


Please include Full Name, Student ID and Program (CS/CSE/…..)

First year students / Freshers

  • What courses to take?
    1. 4 or 3 courses out of (CSE110, MAT092, MAT110, ENG091, ENG101, ENG102, PHY111) as decided by the Admissions Office
    2. Taking more courses may help in faster graduation and starting income generating activities or higher studies.
    3. Taking fewer courses may help in better CGPA, but at the cost of precious time and potential income.
  • Please note that, ‘Department Advisor’ is not the same as ‘FYAT Advisor’

First Class Information

Course Information / List (Core, COD, Electives … )

  • This is just a suggested flow. You may choose to follow a sequence of your own.
    1. Please note that there are 12 variations. 6 for CS and 6 for CSE based on courses assigned on your first semester in the university.
  • Remaining General Education (GenEd) courses are to be taken from the GenEd Streams, please see university notices
  • This is a generic outline for ALL programs in the university. Please check the first point for the one specific to CS/CSE

Payments and Accounts

  • Online banking transactions: Brac & Prime Bank, or Visit BRACU Info Desk Facebook Group
  • Fees adjustment issue? For errors in USIS payment slip or for other corrections/questions, please visit the accounts department at Level- 04

Emergency Student Services / Program or Department change / Degree application / transcript etc

These are offline processes and usually require visiting BracU.

  • If you want to drop the semester During registration week: Drop all courses from the advisor and make your course list blank. Then fill up the semester drop form from DCO.
  • If you want to drop the semester After registration week:
    1. Read Semester Drop Policy and then fill up the Semester Drop Form
    2. Submit to DCO and attach all medical documents, detailed application and the filled up form.
  • To drop a non-compulsory COD/COMA/elective course from the grade sheet to improve CGPA, Read Course Drop Policy and then fill up the Course Drop/Replacement Form
  • Department / Program Change / Transfer
    1. Compare your completed courses with the course plan mentioned on this page and then based on that fill up the following form
    2. Keep courses sorted by Course Code, also include current semesters’ ongoing/new courses with ‘i’ (incomplete) grade; otherwise those might get dropped
    3. Non-compulsory courses that are not mentioned in the form might get dropped regardless of obtained grades
    4. Need more space? Make either multiple copies of the last page of the form or create a similar looking table with a serial number.
    5. Submit the Inter-Department/Program Transfer Form to DCO
    6. After all approvals, before final submission to the registrar’s office, keep a photocopy for yourself and preserve for years
    7. While submitting, ask when to collect your new student ID number

USIS Grading Troubleshoots:

  • Are all of your dues clear? Some courses may take several weeks for the grades to be visible.
  • Are you on an installment plan? Please request the exam office to publish your results after your last installment.
  • Can I take the next course? Yes, you can.
  • Until result publications, course grades may look like I grade or F grades (for dues)

Thesis / Project / Internship information:

  • Contact Person:
    1. Or Mr. Rafeed Rahman
  • CSE400 can be a thesis or project or an internship with a company: any of these 3 requires a supervisor from the department.
  • Register for pre-thesis as soon as you are done with 75 credits, have an early start, get more time and do well, insha’Allah
  • Internship may be independent of CSE400 or under it. Unless you are facing financial difficulties, try an internship after graduation (independent of CSE400) until you secure a full-time job and then proceed to masters.
  • A thesis consists of three parts spread over three semesters [Pre-thesis 1 (p1), Pre-thesis 2 (p2), Final thesis semester (thesis/cse400)
  • Sometimes p1/p2/thesis may need to be repeated or may take more time, so it might become 4 or 5 semesters instead of 3, so start early
  • Students may start a pre-thesis from any semester by filling up P1 form at the beginning of that semester after receiving notice.
  • Register for CSE400 only once in the final defense semester. If a student doesn't go through defense/presentation, it usually remains as ‘i’ grade. No need to retake this unless you see an ‘F’ grade.

©2025 BracU CSE Department