
Computer Architecture

CSE340: Computer Architecture


Soft Pre-requisite: CSE260

Pre-requisite: N/A

A systematic study of the various elements in computer design, including circuit design, storage mechanisms, addressing schemes, and various approaches to parallelism and distributed logic. Information representation and transfer; instruction and data access methods; the control unit; hardware and microprogrammed; memory organization; RISC and CISC machines.

Course Objectives

The objectives of this course are:

a) Introduce different processor technologies, performance metrics, representation of numbers, and arithmetic operations.
Introduce MIPS architecture, demonstrate its instruction formats, and translation of simple C/Java code snippets to MIPS assembly language.
b) Teach how to design processor datapaths, recognize pipelining hazards, and use different techniques to overcome them.
c) Introduce and explain memory hierarchy and performance analysis.
d) Introduce parallel architecture and parallel programming.

List of Books

1. Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface, D. A. Patterson, J. L. Hennessy, 2013, 5th Edition, Morgan Kaufmann, 978-0124077263

2. Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, D. A. Patterson, J. L. Hennessy, 2017, 6th Edition, Morgan Kaufmann, 978-0128119051

3. Computer Architecture and Organization, J. P. Hayes, 1997, 3rd Edition, McGraw Hil, 0-07-027366-9

Course Materials

Text and Reference Books, Lecture Notes and other material made available on buX.

Course Outcome

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Course Coordinator

Sihat Afnan

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