
Digital Electronics and Pulse Techniques

CSE350: Digital Electronics and Pulse Techniques


Pre-requisite: CSE251

This course provides an introduction to basic building blocks of modern digital systems like diode logic gates, transistor switches, transistor gates, MOS gates, Logic families: TTL, ECL, IIL and CMOS logic with operation details. Propagation delay, product and noise immunity. Open collector and High impedance gates. Electronic circuits for flip flops, counters and register, memory systems. PLA's (A/D, D/A converters with applications, S/H circuits) LED, LCD and optically coupled oscillators. Non-linear applications of OPAMPs. Analog switches. Linear wave shaping: diode wave shaping techniques, clipping and clamping circuits, comparator circuits, switching circuits. Pulse transformers, pulse transmission. Pulse generation: mono-stable, bi-stable and stable multi-vibrations, Timing circuits. Simple voltage sweeps, linear circuit sweeps. Schmitt trigger, blocking oscillators and time base circuit. The course includes a compulsory 3 hour laboratory work each week.

Course Objectives

The objectives of this course are to

a. Familiarization with different logic families of circuits
b. Teach students how to use basic electronics to realize combinational digital circuits
c. Teach students how to build simple memory and computational unit for digital system
d. Expose students in the pulse wave shaping and oscillators using different electronic circuit elements
e. Introduce students to design pulse generation in different ways and means of transmission

List of Books

1. Electronic Circuits Analysis and Design, Donald A Neamen, 2008, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill, ISBN-13: 978-0-07-352958-5

2. Integrated Electronics: Analog and Digital Circuits and System, Jacob Millman, Christos C. Halkias, 2010, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, ISBN-13: 978-0070151420

Course Materials

Text and Reference Books, Lecture notes and presentation slides, Lecture videos and tutorials, Lab hand-outs, Lab usage manual

Course Outcome

# Description Weight Edit


Identify and investigate electronic circuit level implementation of a combinational logic function for different logic families.



Calculate the performance specification of saturated and unsaturated logic families.



Develop the concepts of continuous signal generation and discretization using Operational amplifier-based circuits.



Operate laboratory equipment build, and troubleshoot simple combinational and sequential electronic circuits


Course Coordinator

Jishnu Mahmud

Lab Coordinator

Mr. Ayon Sarker

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