
Final Year Design Project

CSE400: Final Year Design Project


Soft Pre-requisite: CSE361, CSE369

Pre-requisite: CSE421, CSE422, CSE470

The Final Year Design Project is the first step towards transferring students' experience from the academic environment to the industry. The course provides a culminating assessment of the students by applying and integrating their previously acquired knowledge to the solution of complex engineering and computing problems. The primary focus of the Final Year Design Project is to improve the students' technical skills, communication skills and teamwork opportunities through engineering project development work. It also focuses on a variety of non-technical issues such as professional and ethical responsibilities and practices, safety, reliability, legal cultural, social and environmental impacts as well as sustainability of engineering solutions. The Final Year Design Project course consists of two parts: Instructional Part and Demonstration Part. The major topics covered in the Instructional Part include: · Overview of the Final Year Design Project course, student learning outcomes, expectation, assessment, checklist etc. · Introduction to engineering design process including formulation of problem, analysis of objectives, specifications and requirements, consideration of realistic constraints, engineering standards and impact of engineering solutions, design of solution, implementation, evaluation and validation of the solution · Review of project proposal preparation, estimating, project management and scheduling etc. · Review of engineering ethics and professional practices · Safety in engineering design. · Contemporary issues and life-long learning · Report writing and presentation techniques · Teamwork building The Demonstration part primarily includes various activities including (but not limited to): · Literature review and research · Identification and formulation of project problem · Analysis of objectives, specifications and requirements, · Project plan, proposal and management · Implementation of design process · Design reviews, simulation and finalization · Development of solution, testing and validation · Documentation, drawings, written reports, oral presentation etc. All these activities of the Demonstration part are conducted under three phases- Phase 1: Problem Identification and Project Planning, Phase 2: Design Solutions and Phase 3: Development and Validation.

Course Objectives

The objectives of the Final Year Design Project are to:

a. Provide students opportunity to apply and integrate their previously acquired engineering knowledge to the solution of engineering problem
b. Enhance student’s creativity in analyzing and solving complex and possibly real-world engineering problems.
c. Train students with skills on systematic design and development process and documentation to the solution of engineering project
d. Prepare students to develop and enhance self-learning ability.
e. Prepare students experience of engineering project development that will be useful in their industrial careers.
f. Aware students regarding professional practices, norms and ethical responsibilities in regards to designing engineering solution
g. Prepare student to understand and evaluate the impact of engineering solutions to the society, health, safety, reliability, legal, cultural social
h. Prepare students to understand and evaluate the sustainability and impact of engineering solution towards environment
i. Create an environment to promote team approach in engineering problem solving
j. Develop communication skills among students through complex activities, technical report writing, oral presentations etc.

List of Books

Course Outcome

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