
Computer Graphics

CSE423: Computer Graphics


Pre-requisite: MAT216

Shape drawing algorithms: Line, Circle, Ellipse, 8-way symmetry; Clipping algorithms: Cohen-Sutherland, Cyrus-Beck; Transformation (2D/3D): Translation, Scaling, Rotation, Reflection, Shear, transformation matrices, types; Projection: 3D in 2D space; Color models: RGB, CMYK, HSV; Illumination and Shading. The course includes a compulsory 3-hour laboratory work each fortnight (once in two weeks).

Course Objectives

The objectives of this course are to
1. make students familiar with the basic steps of the graphics pipeline.
2. make students understand the theories and underlying mathematics of graphics applications.
3. understand the algorithms commonly used in 3D computer graphics
4. make the students understand advanced computer graphics techniques and applications
5. demonstrate how to solve problem by designing project

List of Books

1. Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice,John F. Hughes, James D. Foley, Andries van Dam, Steven K. Feiner,1982,2nd,Pearson,ISBN-13: 978-0201848403 ISBN-10: 9780201848403

Course Outcome

# Description Weight Edit

Course Coordinator

Mr. Tamkin Mahmud Tan

Lab Coordinator

Mr. Abid Jahan Apon

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