Shahriar Hasan Mickey

Adjunct Lecturer



CSE Department
4th floor, Room No # 4P,
Brac University,
Kha 224 Bir Uttam Rafiqul Islam Avenue,
Merul Badda, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Shahriar Hasan Mickey is a Systems Security Researcher, presently fulfilling the role of Research Assistant of Professor Yan at BRAC University and also working as a Software Developer at RSI Lab, who is always looking for new things to learn and explore. 

He is also an Adjunct Lecturer at BRAC University.

The combination of both academic and professional role help him implement up-to date research work to the
production and do experiment on the industry work and standards in his research work. 


Personal Website


Research Interests

  • Compiler
  • Operating System
  • Binary Instrumentation and Binary analysis
  • Hardware Security and Microarchitectural attack
  • Hardware / Software co-design and security
  • Runners Up for National Cyber Drill 2022 organized BGD e-GOV CIRT. [link]


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