Ms. Lamiah Israt

Adjunct Lecturer



CSE Department
4th floor, Room No # 4P,
Brac University,
Kha 224 Bir Uttam Rafiqul Islam Avenue,
Merul Badda, Dhaka, Bangladesh

  • Thumb Controlled Low-Cost Prosthetic Robotic Arm” in 3Rd International conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies, India, 2019, IEEE.
  • Classification of Depression, Internet Addiction and Prediction of Self-esteem among University Students” in 22nd International Conference on Computer and Information technology, Bangladesh, 2019, IEEE. 
  • Credit Card Fraud Prediction and Classification using Deep Neural Network and Ensemble learning” in IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP) Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2020, IEEE. 
  • Contractual Lecturer, BRAC University (2022-present)

Providing lectures in theory and Lab classes of department of Computer Science and Engineering. Courses that have been taught are Introduction to Computer Science, Numerical Methods, Digital Logic Design, Operating Systems, Programming Language I and Microprocessors. 

  • Graduate Teaching Assistant, BRAC University (2021-2022)

Assisting the course instructor in preparing course material and teaching materials. Maintaining and supervising the online learning platform of the university regarding the courses conducted by the supervisor.

  • Undergraduate Student Tutor, BRAC University (2018, 2019)

Teaching specific courses and providing extra help in course material and laboratory work to freshmen year students, to help better understand the topics. 

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