Automated Repair of Asymmetric Web Pages during Resolution of Mobile Friendly Problems

Mr. Md. Aquib Azmain (AQU)




In software development, software usability is an important aspect to ensure the end-user does not strain or encounter problems with the use of a product or website’s user interface. Mobile friendly problem (MFP) causes the low quality of the website visibility and has a potential risk to decrease usability for a mobile user. The existing solutions to mobile friendly problems do not address symmetrical structure of web pages. To address this limitation, we have proposed an automatic repair technique that generates symmetric mobile friendly patches by tuning the symmetric criteria of a web page. The empirical evaluation shows that this approach gets better structure on the basis of symmetry in 90.7% of the evaluated websites. Moreover, A survey based evaluation shows that 88%, out of 54 websites, have been considered as more preferable than the previous version by the users.

Relevance of the Topic


Mobile friendly problem (MFP) causes the low quality of the website visibility and has a potential risk to decrease usability for a mobile user. The solution proposed an automatic repair technique that generates symmetric mobile friendly patches for a web page. 


Future Research/Scope


A feasible future work is to handle the dynamic changes along with the symmetric mobile friendliness of a web page. This solution needs to introduce fixing the online version of a web site. Another possible future work is to analyze the relation between symmetry, mobile friendliness and complexity of a web page to quantify this relation. As the complexity of a web page depends on the elements, contents and layout, symmetry analysis on different types of website can extract valuable insights. Moreover, new HTML elements have been introduced in modern web pages. The modification of these elements needs different approach in the context of symmetric mobile friendly solution. In addition to that, different types of new viewports are being introduced day by day. These new viewports may need updated solution to incorporate.


Skills Learned


  • Automatic Testing (Selenium)
  • Webpage segmentation
  • CSS Media Query
  • Any programming language



Relevant courses to the topic


  • CSE 471: Systems Analysis and Design


Reading List




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