Impact of label noise and efficacy of noise filters in software defect prediction

Mr. Md. Aquib Azmain (AQU)




A well-established fact in the domain of software defect classification is that dataset labels collected using automated algorithms contain noise. Several prior studies examined the impact of noise and proposed novel ways of dealing with this issue. Those studies, however, relied on randomly simulated artificial noise on clean datasets, but real-world noise is not random. Using a recently proposed dataset with both clean labels annotated by experts and noisy labels obtained by heuristics, this paper revisits the question of how label noise impacts the defect classification performance and demonstrate how the answer varies among several types of classification algorithms. Based on a diverse set of 9 different noise filters, this paper empirically investigates their ability to improve the performance of classifiers trained with label noise. Contrary to previous findings, we observe that the noise filters mostly struggle to improve performance over unfiltered noisy data. Lastly, we conduct several small-scale experiments in a bid to explain our findings and uncover actionable insights.

Relevance of the Topic


By using a diverse set of classifiers, imbalance-methods and noise filters, this study empirically investigates how the presence of label noise in post-release defect prediction datasets affect performance and evaluates the effectiveness of noise filters in minimizing the adverse effects of noise.


Future Research/Scope


A feasible future work is to investigate several alternatives to filtering for noise handling. The relatively higher cost of P→N noise suggests while designing any auto defect-labeling algorithm, recall of defect class should be prioritized over precision.


Skills Learned


Machine learning, deep learning


Relevant courses to the topic


  • CSE 427: Machine Learning
  • CSE 470: Software Engineering


Reading List




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