Investigate the use of transformers in generating Dockers or Docker-compose yaml which could be used in CI/CD

Mr. Moin Mostakim (MMM)

Senior Lecturer



Transformers, a type of deep learning model, have gained significant popularity in natural language processing (NLP) tasks such as text generation. While transformers are primarily used for NLP, they are not specifically designed for generating Dockers or Docker-compose YAML files. However, it's possible to adapt transformer models for generating such files by framing the problem as a text generation task.


To use transformers for generating Docker or Docker-compose YAML files, you would need to follow these general steps:

1. Dataset Creation: Collect or create a dataset of Docker or Docker-compose YAML files. This dataset should include valid configuration examples that represent the desired output you want the transformer to generate.

2. Preprocessing: Preprocess the dataset by tokenizing the YAML files into a format suitable for input to the transformer model. Tokenization involves breaking down the text into smaller units such as words or subwords.

3. Model Training: Train a transformer model on the preprocessed dataset. You can utilize existing transformer architectures such as GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) or BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) and fine-tune them on your specific dataset.

4. Text Generation: Once the transformer model is trained, you can generate Docker or Docker-compose YAML files by providing a prompt or seed text to the model and sampling from the output distribution of the model to generate the next token. You can iteratively generate tokens until you reach the desired length or a specific termination condition.

5. Postprocessing: Convert the generated tokens back into YAML format and perform any necessary postprocessing to ensure the generated YAML is syntactically correct.

It's worth mentioning that while transformers can be powerful for generating text, they may not always produce perfect or valid Docker or Docker-compose YAML files. The generated files may require manual inspection and adjustments to ensure correctness before using them in your CI/CD pipeline.


While transformers can assist in generating text, the complexity and structure of YAML files may not make them an ideal fit for this task. It might be more efficient to explore other methods, such as templating engines or configuration management tools, for automating Docker or Docker-compose YAML generation in CI/CD workflows.

Relevance of the Topic


A few research papers and projects that are relevant to the intersection of transformers, Docker, Docker-compose, and CI/CD:

"Code2Sequence: Generating Sequences from Structured Representations of Code" by Wang et al. - This paper explores the generation of code sequences from structured representations using transformers. While it doesn't focus specifically on Docker or CI/CD, it showcases the application of transformers in generating code:

"DeepDocker: Learning Docker Containers in Depth" by Wang et al. - This paper proposes DeepDocker, a framework that applies deep learning techniques, including transformers, to automatically learn and predict Dockerfile instructions:

"Dockerfile2Vec: Learning Distributed Representations of Dockerfile Instructions" by Wang et al. - This work presents Dockerfile2Vec, a technique that utilizes Word2Vec and transformers to learn distributed representations of Dockerfile instructions, enabling code search and recommendation tasks:

"Compositional Code Generation from Natural Language" by Yin et al. - This paper focuses on generating code snippets from natural language descriptions, which could be relevant for generating Docker or Docker-compose YAML files from textual descriptions:


Future Research/Scope


(write your future scope here)


Skills Learned


Several skills and benefits, including:


Knowledge of Transformers: You will gain a deeper understanding of transformer models, their architecture, and their applications in natural language processing tasks. This knowledge can be valuable in various NLP-related projects and tasks.

Docker and Docker-compose Expertise: Through your exploration of Docker and Docker-compose YAML files, you will enhance your knowledge and proficiency in using containerization technologies. This knowledge is highly relevant in modern software development and deployment practices.

CI/CD Understanding: Investigating the integration of Docker or Docker-compose YAML generation into CI/CD workflows will give you insights into continuous integration and continuous deployment practices. This expertise is highly sought after in software development teams and DevOps roles.

Text Generation and Language Modeling: Working on generating YAML files using transformers will provide you with experience in text generation tasks and language modeling techniques. This skill set can be useful for various text-based generation tasks, such as chatbots, document generation, and code generation.

Problem-solving and Adaptability: By exploring unconventional approaches and adapting transformer models for generating infrastructure configurations, you will develop problem-solving skills and learn to think creatively and flexibly in finding solutions to complex challenges.

Research and Critical Thinking: Investigating the existing literature and research papers related to transformers, Docker, Docker-compose, and CI/CD will enhance your research skills and critical thinking abilities. This will enable you to analyze, evaluate, and apply relevant research findings to your own work.


Relevant courses to the topic


  • (Course list here)


Reading List


"Attention Is All You Need" by Vaswani et al. - The original paper introducing the Transformer model:

"BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding" by Devlin et al. - The paper that introduced the BERT model, a widely used transformer-based model:

"Transformers Explained" by Jay Alammar - A comprehensive blog post explaining the working principles of transformers with interactive visualizations:

Docker documentation - Official documentation for Docker, which provides detailed information about Docker concepts, commands, and best practices:

Docker-compose documentation - Official documentation for Docker-compose, which explains how to define and manage multi-container Docker applications using YAML files:

"Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation" by Jez Humble and David Farley - A book that covers the principles and practices of continuous delivery, including CI/CD pipelines:

"The DevOps Handbook: How to Create World-Class Agility, Reliability, and Security in Technology Organizations" by Gene Kim, Jez Humble, Patrick Debois, and John Willis - A comprehensive guide to DevOps practices, including CI/CD and infrastructure automation:

"Infrastructure as Code: Managing Servers in the Cloud" by Kief Morris - A book that explores the concept of infrastructure as code and provides practical guidance on using tools like Docker and Docker-compose for managing infrastructure:


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