Real-Time Recognition System for Shrimp Characteristics

Dr. Swakkhar Shatabda (SWK)




The development of a real-time recognition system for shrimp characteristics is an innovative approach aimed at improving efficiency in shrimp farming and seafood processing. Such a system leverages advanced technologies like computer vision, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning to automatically identify and assess various physical attributes of shrimp, including size, color, shape, and potential defects.


The system typically integrates high-resolution cameras or sensors to capture real-time images or video of shrimp in their natural or processing environments. These images are processed using deep learning algorithms that have been trained on large datasets of shrimp characteristics. The model can accurately detect and classify features such as species, growth stages, or abnormalities like disease or physical damage.


A real-time recognition system offers several benefits, including faster sorting, grading, and quality control during harvesting and packaging. Additionally, it can assist in monitoring the health and growth of shrimp in aquaculture settings, providing timely data to optimize feeding, environment conditions, and harvest schedules. This approach enhances operational efficiency, reduces labor costs, and ensures higher quality standards in shrimp production.


The system’s success hinges on its ability to process data rapidly and accurately under varying conditions, making it a valuable tool in both aquaculture and seafood industries.

Relevance of the Topic


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Future Research/Scope


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Skills Learned


Computer Vision, Segmentation Models


Relevant courses to the topic


  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Machine Learning
  • Computer Vision
  • Robotics / Interfacing


Reading List


  • ShrimNet: Shrimp recognition using ShrimpNet based on convolutional neural network (
  • Instance Segmentation of Shrimp (


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