Nucleic Acid Binding Sites in Proteins

Dr. Swakkhar Shatabda (SWK)



 Nucleic acid-binding sites are regions on proteins where interactions with DNA or RNA occur, facilitating essential biological processes like transcription, replication, and gene regulation. These sites typically involve amino acids that interact with nucleic acids through hydrogen bonds, electrostatic interactions, and van der Waals forces. Proteins like transcription factors, polymerases, and ribonucleo-proteins often contain such binding sites. Machine learning methods often combine sequence and structural data to predict binding sites with higher accuracy for prediction of these sites. These predictions are critical for understanding protein function, drug design, and gene regulation mechanisms.

Relevance of the Topic


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Future Research/Scope


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Relevant courses to the topic


  • Machine Learning
  • Bioinformatics
  • Coursera: Bioinformatics Specialization (
  • Coursera: Introduction to Genomics Technologies (
  • Coursera: Algorithms for DNA Sequencing (


Reading List


  • Accurately identifying nucleic-acid-binding sites through geometric graph learning on language model predicted structures (


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