
Digital Logic Design

CSE260: Digital Logic Design


Pre-requisite: CSE251

This course provides an introduction to digital systems such as computer, communication and information systems. Firstly, the course will cover Boolean algebra, digital logic gates, combinational logic circuits, decoders, encoders, multiplexers and demultiplexers. The course will then cover sequential circuits: asynchronous and synchronous counters, registers, flip-flops. An introduction to memory elements and registers will also be provided. Hands-on experience will be provided through lab works and lab project. The course includes a compulsory 3-hour laboratory work each week.

Course Objectives

Objective 1 - Familiarization with different number systems and conversion

Objective 2 - Introduce Boolean logic operation and teach students how to use Boolean Algebra and K-maps to realize two-level minimal/optimal combinational circuits

Objective 3- Teach students other Boolean simplification methods such as Tabulation

Objective 4 - Expose students in the introductory design process of combinational circuits including MSI circuits

Objective 5 - Teach basic operation and analysis of sequential circuits using latches, flip-flops, counters, registers and memory elements

List of Books

1. Digital Design, M Morris Mano & M D Ciletti, 2012, 5th ed., Pearson Education, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-277420-8

2. Digital Design: Principles and Practices, J F Wakerly, 2005, 4th ed., Prentice Hall, ISBN-13: 978-0131863897

Course Materials

Text and Reference Books, Lecture notes and presentation slides, Lab hand-outs, Lab usage manual

Course Outcome

# Description Weight Edit

Course Coordinator

Dewan Ziaul Karim

Lab Coordinator

Dewan Ziaul Karim

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